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Blue Fish Radio: Why the Mighty Sturgeon of B.C.’S Fraser River Need Our Help

Fraser River sturgeon champion Kevin Estrada

Outdoor Canada is pleased to present Blue Fish Radio, podcasts about the future of fish and fishing in Canada. Produced and hosted by Lawrence Gunther, the program is dedicated to sharing first-hand angling knowledge and scientific discoveries, and supporting local champions who protect and enhance our waters.

Kevin Estrada and Blue Fish Radio.

Kevin Estrada (above left) is the owner of Sturgeon Slayers guided fishing in B.C., which operates on the theme of “catch, record, release.” Estrada has also championed legislation on white sturgeon conservation, and leads a citizen-science initiative to tag and track juvenile sturgeon, which now includes high school students. In this episode of Blue Fish Radio, producer/host Lawrence Gunther talks to Estrada about his passion for sturgeon, and his conservation work on the Fraser River.

To listen to the episode now, press PLAY below. To download this podcast to your device, go to the Blue Fish Radio home page.

This article was featured on Outdoor Canada magazine’s website