Founded in 1997, the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society (FRSCS) is a not-for-profit, charitable organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wild Fraser River White Sturgeon. Inspired by Chair, Rick Hansen, they deploy their resources and talents towards conserving and protecting Fraser River White Sturgeon and their habitat. This is addressed through the development and implementation of stewardship activities, education and public awareness initiatives, conducting research and communicating the results, and professionally addressing key issues facing sturgeon with appropriate actions.
The Can You Handle It? YouTube tutorial educates and prepares all anglers for encountering and handling Fraser River White Sturgeon using current best practice handling techniques. This video was made possible thanks to the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation.
A collaborative effort, this video is based on the province of British Columbia’s document “Guidelines for Angling Sturgeon in British Columbia,” which was developed and supported by the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Fraser Valley Angling Guides Association, Recreational Sturgeon Anglers of British Columbia.
This is a must-see video for all anglers targeting this magnificent species.
If you plan to fish for White Sturgeon in the lower Fraser River between May 15 and July 31, there are currently seven voluntary and three mandatory sturgeon angling closure areas located between the Harrison River confluence and just upstream of Hope, BC. These closure areas were established to protect confirmed white sturgeon spawning areas. If you would like more information on the location of these voluntary sturgeon angling closure areas, please contact the MFLNRORD South Coast Fish and Aquatic Wildlife group at
Download PDF: Lower Fraser River Regulated Sturgeon Angling Closure Areas
You must purchase a White Sturgeon Conservation licence, in addition to your basic licence, if you fish for White Sturgeon in the Fraser River Watershed (including tributaries) from the CPR Bridge at Mission to and including Williams Lake River in the Cariboo. This is a catch and release only fishery – all sturgeon must be released. See Guidelines for Angling White Sturgeon (PDF 159 KB) in B.C. for more information.
All revenue generated from the sales of the White Sturgeon Conservation Licence (WSCL) will be directed to the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation for use in sturgeon stock management activities.